Can you collect unemployment in PA if you lost your part time job but still work a full time job?
horse training is a full time job if you want the horse to be successful.if ya don't it can be part time.
because in a part time job you can switch anytime and you only go for little bit
No. Your full time job (which you apparently still have) would pay more than the weekly benefits you might receive and you have to report all income in the benefits period.
it all depends on what you want to do if you want two jobs then its a part time job
You are probably referring to a weekend job. "Full time" implies 5 days out of 7 days in a week.
If that is part of their job function
There are too many variables in your question for a definitive answer. Your state, work history for the full time job, benefits remaining for the older part time job, qualifications for receiving benefits, etc.
you have to be 14 to have a part time job officially and 16 full time.
There are currently no listings for full time cleaners in your area.
"I do a full time Job to earn my living"
yes i think so