The local employment level is a set of data figures that shows the number of workers versus the number of people receiving unemployment in a specific area. This data does not include unemployed people who are not receiving unemployment benefits.
Local Employment Services
The local jobs employment section can be located in the classified section in the back of your local newspaper. Locations for local jobs employment may vary from state to state.
in area you live in
The Employment Act was enacted in 1946. It stated that the government is responsible for keeping employment levels high and keeping prices at a stable level.
Employment and output reach their lowest levels.
occasional instability of employment and price levels.
The degree to which an economy's mix ofindustries, sectors, skill levels and employment levels differ from a larger reference economy.
A recession will affect unemployment by decreasing the employment level. This is so as many businesses will be in deficit due to low productivity levels and as such they will be forced to close their doors. In effect, many persons will lose their job, hence raising unemployment levels, in other words, lessening the employment level.