Deadline means the drop dead last day that something can be due, so if that happens, you would most likely have pressure finishing it if you wait last minute. Those who wait last minute usually get deadline pressure.
A deadline can be changed, but a priority deadline cannot.
I usually devote my entire attention and time to it until its done.
Yes i lik work under pressure... wit g8t effect.... inorder to achieve the company goal...
Deadlines is the plural of deadline
The doctor had to apply pressure so that the patient's wound would stop bleeding. The pressure to do well on the upcoming test was almost more than she could bear. The water pressure in my city was low yesterday.
For example someone I know had to meet tight deadlines every single week in her last job, but she did not mind, since the deadline helped her to work hard and to achieve great results.
Deadlines is the plural of deadline
Working well under pressure can be difficult for many while easy for others. Remember to breath and take time on the project it might take until the deadline to be finished but it will get there.
If the IRS receives your return or payment after the deadline date but it is postmarked on or before the deadline date, then it is considered to have been filed on time.
A fail; to meet a deadline is ridculous. If you have something to do and you have a deadline, you need to get it done
There was no fixed deadline.
"to meet her deadline"