In open unemployment it is easy to recognize but in disguised unemployment its difficult to recognize. Open unemployment offers no wages but disguised employment offers salaries .Open unemployment is more harmful in industries and disguised unemploymentare more harmful to the nation.
disguised unemployment,open unemployment,under unemployment
no no
open unemployment is a situation where people with the capability to work/to be employed are not employed and do not contribute to the nations productivity. It is easy to recognize opem unemployment. It does not offer any wages. It is harmful for the individuals' economy. Disguised unemployment is when people appear to be employed but their contributions towards the firm's output is very low and often negative. It is difficult to recognize disguised unemployment. It offers salaries/wages. It is harmful for the country's economy. One of the leading causes of low agricultural productivity in india.
When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that , this is called disguised unemployment . For example : An agricultural field require 4 labourers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for 2 labours is called disguised unemployment
Agriculture Sector
agricultural sector
When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that , this is called disguised unemployment . For example : An agricultural field require 4 labourers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for 2 labours is called disguised unemployment
B. N. Ghosh has written: 'Gandhian Political Economy' 'Principles of Economic Science' 'Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment' 'Disguised unemployment in underdeveloped countries, with special reference to India' -- subject(s): Disguised unemployment, Agricultural laborers
Amin Barin Zuri has written: 'Surplus labour in Afghanistans Landwirtschaft' -- subject(s): Agricultural laborers, Disguised unemployment, Unemployment
Nurkse believes disguised unemployment is more of a valuable resource than a problem because these extra workers can be transferred to another sector such as building infrastructure. He says the way to move workers is to tax until only the strongest survive and the weak will change sectors.
Seasonal unemployment exactly what it says.In other words the umemployment is seasonal. Disguised unemployment does not mean totally unemployed.It means employment but,in this employment more people are employed in a job in which less people are required