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Enlistment in the Australian Army, Completion of basic training at 1RTB, Infantry warfare school at Singleton, selection for sniper cadre dependent upon your ability to shoot and your fieldcraft, completion of Army sniper school.

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Q: What is is required to become a sniper in the Australian Army?
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How do you become a sniper in the Australian Army?

you need to do a lot of training at a boot camp in marksmanship this will help with aiming firing and cleaning the sniper specifically a g36 sniper

How do you apply for Australian army if you are from Pakistan?

become an Australian

Can an Australian join the american army?

Yes all you have to do is become an American citizen. <><><><> Citizenship is not required. My stepson is a British subject, and a US Marine. However, the Australian would need to become a Resident Alien- someone that is admitted to the US as a permanent resident (emigrant).

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Do you have to serve in the army before becoming a sniper?

Not necessarily. If you wish to become a military sniper, you'll have to be in the military already, of course. If you want to be a sniper in something outside the military, such as law enforcement or some backwoods militia, then no.

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while in the army, Sniper == ==

Can a army officer be sniper?

Snipers are not officers. They are drawn from the enlisted ranks, culled from the best marksmen. It is possible for a sniper to become an officer, but they would no longer be sent out as a sniper.

Can you be in grade 6 and be army cadet?

to become an Australian army cadet in Queensland you need to be of the age 12years and 6 months

How much does an Australian Army sniper earn?

While in Australia, you clear about $1400 a fortnight. With o/s deployments, any yhing up to clear $4000 a fortnight.

How do you become a sniper in the Irish army?

You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces

How do you become army sniper?

you go to cadets training until you reach sniper badge and then you will be successful enough to fight in war as a sniper man. Enlist in the Army, choose infantry as your MOS. Go to basic training, AIT, qualify as an expert on the rifle range and then you can apply to sniper school. Get accepted to sniper school, successfully pass the school and then you may be entitled to a sniper slot. Not everyone who goes to sniper school will function as a sniper in their unit.

What is the best job in the army?

a sniper