the atmosphere is the blanket of gases that surrounds earth
it does not have an atmosphere
economic system means the economic atmosphere of the country.It means which type of system a country have whether it have socialist economy,capitalistic economy or mixed economy.
If "mi then" is meant to be methane, then the answer is approx 0.00018%
Corona is a type of plasma "atmosphere" of the Sun
The pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere, which at sea level has a mean value of 101,325 pascals (roughly 14.6959 pounds) .
Through the atmosphere rather than by the atmosphere, then that would be electromagnetic energy.
it changed the type of coldness in the atmosphere
it is a very thin atmosphere of oxygen, potassium, and sodium vapors
Mostly a rhythmic atmosphere but it depends on what type of poem you are aiming at.
the environment which has the availability of oxygen it is called aerobic atmosphere and if the availability of oxygen is not there in atmosphere then it is anaerobic type We live in a aerobic atmosphere which has the oxygen available