Look on a W4.
Employers have a tax id too...in fact an EIN is short for "Employer Identifying Number".
Ask your employer, or ask another employee to look at their old W-2.
paycor is the website, but you have to have employers id number, and i dont have that
If you have a legitimate reason for a companies identification numbers they will send them to you. Otherwise, you will not get them.
the ID number on your ID card
is not the pokemon's ID number, is the person who catch that pokemon's ID number
An ID number takes the place of the ID's owner name. It is a qualitative characteristic of the ID.
That is your trainer's ID number.
The ID number is 383
That's your trainer ID number, not a Pokedex number. You would need an ID number of 13944 to get a Pokemon with that trainer ID number. Pokedex numbers range from 1 to 721.
The ID number is the original trainer's ID, the person who caught or hatched the Pokémon.