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A hyphenated modifier is a compound adjective or adverb created by hyphenating multiple words together that work as one word.


He gave me that there's-a-dead-body-in-my-fridge sort of smile.

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Q: What is the definition of a hyphenated modifier?
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Is the the term 'paper-like' a hyphenated modifier?

Yes it is.

Should the word fired up be hyphenated?

"Fired up" is one of those phrases that is hyphenated when it is used as a modifier preceding whatever it is modifying, but not hyphenated when it is used as a predicate adjective. For example, if you say "Everyone was fired up about the new project", "fired up" is a predicate adjective and not hyphenated. However, if you refer to someone's "fired-up speech", "fired-up" is a modifier that precedes "speech" and is therefore hyphenated. Using "fired up" as a predicate adjective is more common.

Can the word laugh be hyphenated?

Depends on how you use the word. For example, you can use it if you are writing a hyphenated modifier: "She had that I'm-going-to-try-not- to-laugh-right-now face." But you can't hypenate the word when: "She had a terrible-laugh." ---> "She had a terrible laugh."

Should publicly available be hyphenated?

No. You don't need a hyphen in a two-word unit modifier when the first element is an adverb that ends with "-ly."

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Yes, "fourth-grade teacher" should be hyphenated in this context as it is acting as a compound modifier before the noun "teacher."

Is the word hand rolled hyphenated Example A hand-rolled cigarette was found under the seat of the suspect's car?

In this case is it hyphenated. "Hand-rolled" is hyphened because it's acting as a compound modifier, since both words are joined to describe the cigarette.

In apa format is non judgemental hyphened?

In APA format, "nonjudgmental" is not hyphenated when used as an adjective before a noun (e.g., nonjudgmental approach). However, it is hyphenated when used as a compound modifier before a noun (e.g., a non-judgmental attitude).

When do you hypenate full time?

You hyphenate "full time" when it is used as a modifier preceding whatever it modifies--for example, "a full-time position". If it follows what it modifies, however, it is not hyphenated: "I want to work full time."

Should rank and file be hyphenated?

When referring to the rank and file as a noun, no. For example: "The rank and file defied union leadership." However when used as an adjective or a modifier, then yes. "He needs rank-and-file support."

Is postoperative hyphenated or not?

It is not hyphenated.

Is republication hyphenated?

No it's not hyphenated.

Is motorcycle hyphenated or not?

Motorcycle is not hyphenated