A key skill is a particularly valuable or necessary ability for a job. For instance, for a court stenographer (the person who types out the court record word by word), knowledge of legal shorthand and a high words-per-minute typing speed are key skills because without these two skills the person will be unable to do the job.
A skill resume is the resume in which you can give every type of skills, for example computer skills, technical skills and more.
KEY SKILL meance, the field in which you have deep knowledge or you got some certificates for it.. for example: If you have done certified course on AUTO-CAD. and you have deep knowledge about it. then it's your key skill...
Market Research Understanding of consumer behavior Communication & Presentation Skill Portflio Mgmt Efficiency in Technical Analysis Tax Planning Investment Mgmt
If you are just writing your resume and want to create such a list this article provides the most important key strengths of an employee. resume
what is the key element of skill matrix
Personal details, hobby, any family background are not the mandatory part for the resume writing. be creative in resume writing. Be smart for the mandatory part like objective, skill any special education, ambitions. The resume can help to be well presented in front of the interview board.
According to Aristotle, who was a famous Greek philosopher, the purpose of resume writing is to persuade or appeal to another person. The actual words: "resume writing" do not have a meaning in the Greek language. They will need to be translated to Greek in order for there to be a meaning.
this is when you have a skill going on