Pharmacy technician salary normally originates from the peoples money. People buys the goods and in that some payment is given as salary for the technician
The average salary for a Histology Technician is $49,472 according to
In the US, the average salary for a dialysis technician is approximately $33,305.
The average salary for an MRI Technician can be found at . According to this website, you can expect an annual salary between $55K and $75K.
The average gross salary for a veterinary technician is about $29,000 per year. The average salary can vary greatly depending on the experience and education level of the technician.
An EKG technician salary can range from anywhere between $50,000 and up. The best way to find out how much an EKG technician salary is would be to visit a local newspaper site.
The average salary of an autopsy technician is $41,038 and can be employed by hospitals, morgues and research facilities.
According to the American Society of Radiology Technicians, the average salary for a radiology technician is $58065.
One can determine what a MRI Technician's salary might be on websites like Indeed, Health Care Salaries, X-Ray Tech Salaries, Salary, MRI Technician Salary or Voices Yahoo.
Basically the average histology technician salary is $50000. It is quite high but depends on the experience of the technician. He or she needs to take medicine and pathology lessons.
The average salary for an auto technician at CarMax is $29,000 a year. This will vary according to location and experience.