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aircraft ejection seat

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Q: Which of these items usually contains a not so obvious explosive hazard?
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Which of these items usually contains a not-so-obvious explosive hazard?

Aircraft ejection seat

What item usually contains a not-so-obvious explosive hazard?

Soda (pop) bottles have been known to explode and some have a warning to that effect on the label.

The Joint Hazard Classification System contains Class 1 ammunition and explosive hazard information.?

The Joint Hazard classification system includes Class I, Ammunition and Explosive hazard information.

Which of these non-explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

Radiation Hazard

Which is a non-explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

Radiation Hazard

Which of these is non-explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

Radiation Hazard

What is a non explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

Spring pressure hazard

What is a non-explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

Spring pressure hazard

Which of these is a non-explosive hazard of a sub-munition?

spring pressure hazard

The is the DOT class for explosive materials?

Explosive materials are in DOT hazard class 1.

Which hazard class is appropriate for ammunition and explosives that pose a fragmentation hazard?

Explosive 1.2B

What type of hazard does hazard class 1 material present?

Class 1 materials are explosives.Materials that have an explosive hazard are in Hazard Class 1.