Mandrake the Magician's assistant was named Lothar. He was a loyal and strong character who often helped Mandrake in his magical exploits.
Kala Mandrake's birth name is Kla Scarlet Wynne Mandrake.
Mandrake of Oxford was created in 1986.
Mandrake Press was created in 1929.
Mandrake the Magician was created in 1934.
Junior Mandrake was created in 1997.
Käla Mandrake was born in 1976.
The duration of The Mandrake Root is 1.25 hours.
There are many kinds of mandrake mandragora officinarum, mandragora autmnalis, fennish white mandrake, fennish black mandrake, American mandrake .Each is relevant to its separate culture .All are poisonous . The mandrake grows naturally around the Mediterranean. Mandragora officinarum is by far the most famous It has many names ,true mandrake, Satan's apples and many more . You can find a mandrake and more information with, pictures, advice on cultivation, seeds, plants and mels plants and seeds it is a store house of practical knowledge
Mandrake - album - was created on 2001-11-27.
The Mandrake Root was created on 2008-06-20.
Senior Mandrake was created on 2010-01-29.