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representative democracy

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Q: A government in which voters choose people to represent them is a?
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Where do voters choose the people who will represent them in government?

in a general election

In what way do people directly control the American government?

Voters choose the people who represent them and if they don't like the elected person they can vote him or her out.

How do people control government?

Voters elect people to represent them in government. Just like what you saw in the recent election.

How do people control the government?

Voters elect people to represent them in government. Just like what you saw in the recent election.

Who do voters choose to represent them every two years?

The voters select the congressmen (members of the senate)every 2years.

What is a government called when people choose representatives to govern them?

A democracy - a democratic government of publicly elected representatives.

What is to form of government in which leaders are elected to represent the voters?


Every 2 years the voters from each state choose at least one person to represent them in the?

Every 2 years the voters from each state choose at least one person to represent them in the senate.

What do you call a government in which voters can choose representatives to gonvern them?


What do you call a government in which voters can choose Representatives to govern?

It is a democracy.

What are voters that a member of congress represent?

The Senators represent the state and the representative represent the people of their districts.

What is a government where voters choose leaders who make and enforce laws?

A (Democratic) Republic.