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NO. charge is considered a felony

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Q: Can HS 11379 A penal code be reduced to a misdemeanor?
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What is the hs in penal code hs 11379?

Section 11379-A of the Health and Safety Code in California is a drug trafficking section, the punishments for which are two to nine years in prison.

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Misdemeanor possession of Marijuana.

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Illegal Camping - Squatting, generally a misdemeanor

Can someone get charged with penal code 11379 for putting a control substance in someone else pocket in front of a officer?

Questioner does not give his state, so I don't specifically know what that penal code number is, but if the officer saw the drugs 'in your hand', you can be charged with their possession.

What is H and s penal code 11377 (A)?

It is Health and Safety code 11377 - Possession of a control substance. It is not in the Penal code. It can be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony. Typically possession of methamphetamine.


Conspiracy; both felony and misdemeanor are covered.

Is the charge of California Penal Code 459 ''burglary'' a misdemeanor?

It is known as a wobbler. It is always filed as a felony but can be set as a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances.

What is penal code HS 11377?

HS 11379 Referred to as "Transportation" cases, these cases usually involve the defendant being stopped while driving a motor vehicle and then found to be in possession of a controlled substance. Note that unlike HS 11360 cases (Transportation of Marijuana), an individual charged with HS 11379 does not have to be transporting large quantities of a controlled substance. These cases are classified as felonies and carry a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years.

What is penal code 17B?

There are two requirements for a felony conviction in California to be reduced to a misdemeanor. The process is set out in California Penal Code 17(b) 3.First, the charge you plead guilty must be classified as a "wobbler." Under California law, a wobbler is a crime that can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. The list of wobblers can be found under criminal records 101.Second, you must be given a probationary sentence. Even if you had to do a year in county jail we can still reduce your case to a misdemeanor. If probation was denied, and you were sentenced to State Prison, then you are not eligible for a reduction to a misdemeanor, or an expungement pursuant to penal code section 1203.4. At this point, in order to get relief your must file for a certificate of rehabilitation and then pardon from the governor.See below link:

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CA penal code 422 is Terrorist threats could be charged as a felony which is an automatic strike or a misdemeanor. It is a threat of death or to do great bodily harm to another person.

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