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If you're expecting to get gun rights back after a felony conviction, don't hold your breath.

In some shall-issue states, it is possible for a convicted felon to get a concealed carry permit. However, it's still a felony for them to own, possess, or be in a situation where they have access to firearms, and the CCW doesn't negate that.

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Q: Can a convicted felon in Georgia get a concealed carry permit after rights are restored?
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Can a felony stop you from getting a concealed hand gun permit?

If you have been convicted of any felony, you cannot even possess a handgun or other firearm (unless your rights have been restored). Additionally, no state will issue a gun permit to a felon, unless your rights have been restored.

Can a convicted felon in time reapply in the state of Florida for a concealed weapons permit?

No!! Wasted of Time!

If convicted of 4th degree felony in Ohio can you still get a concealed carry permit?

It doesn't matter. Even if the state has a liberal enough "shall issue" legislation that a convicted felon can obtain a CCW, as a convicted felon you may not purchases, possess, or have access to firearms under federal law. Ipso facto, you could potentially have a concealed carry permit, but you would not be permitted to have a gun.

Can a convicted felon get a server permit in Lilburn GA?

Yes, a convicted felon can get a sever permit in Georgia. This will have no effect on whether you can serve alcohol or not.

Is your concealed weapons permit valid if you were convicted of a DUI?

It depends on the state. Each state sets its own requirements for permits.

What if you were arrested but never convicted with a felony and the charges were dismissed or expunged can you get a handgun permit?

Generally speaking, yes. If you were never convicted, you can obtain a permit. If the charges were expunged, it depends. Expunged is not necessarily the same as having your rights restored.

Does tenn allow concealed weapon permit?

Tenn allow concealed weapon permit

Can you be convicted of a felony and still get a gun permit in Puerto Rico?

The most basic answer is no. A felon cannot get a gun permit. However, under some circumstances, a felon can have his or her rights restored.

Is your concealed weapons permit valid if you were convicted of a DUI in Texas?

It depends, but the basic answer is, the permit is valid unless it has been revoked by the state that issued it. In some states such as Tennessee, you can still keep a permit if you have a DUI, as long as it wasn't a felony DUI.

What is the law on carrying a concealed unregistered pistol in VA?

There is no gun registration in Virginia. As for concealed carry, you must possess either a Virginia concealed carry permit, or a concealed carry permit from a state whose permit is valid in Virginia.

What are the Concealed weapon laws in Georgia?

In Georgia, individuals are allowed to carry concealed weapons with a permit. The state issues carry licenses for both residents and non-residents. It is illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a valid permit.

Can you carry a concealed hand gun in Texas if you have a permit?

Yes, if you have a Texas concealed handgun carry permit, or a permit from any state with which Texas recognizes reciprocity, you can carry a concealed hangun in Texas.