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No adult can hold another adult against their will. In most states of the US that would be unlawful imprisonment.

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Q: Can a parent hold an adult child against their will?
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Are the parents of a child hold responsible for his misdemeanor?

Yes. The child is underage so what the child does is the responsibility of the parent.

Can a parent revoke a child's drivers license?

no parent is allwo to revoke a child licence------------No, parental permission is not required for a child to obtain and keep their license. However, a minor cannot drive (or go anywhere) without parental permission.Added: The second answer is only partially correct. Your parent(s) cannot have the DMV revoke your driving privilege, HOWEVER - if you are still not legally an adult, or are not emancipated, they can take your drivers license from you and hold onto it to control your use of it. That is their right as your parent.

Can child support stop if parent does not see the child?

This is dependent on the circumstances and the state. Not if it is voluntary, however in Missouri, if being denied access, the obligor parent can file to have child support placed on hold.

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A parents sex chromosomes hold DNA. A parents DNA is passed onto the child.

What is parent node?

In programming, a parent node is any node that holds some reference to a child node. The child node may itself be a parent node. A classic example of parent/child node usage is the binary tree, where every node in the tree may hold a reference to up to 2 children. Nodes that have no children are known as leaf nodes.

Does Washington state hold the parent who signs a medical bill responsible for payment?

The key may be contained in the answer. If you are the PARENT of a minor child - you are responsible for the payment of their medical care.

If the noncustodial parent is receiving unemployment in Alabama and he owes child support in Florida will they automatically hold child support?

It's not automatic. I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency.

What liability does a parent of an 18 year old in high school?

depending on the state, at 18 you are considered an adult and the parents usually do not hold in liability.

Can child support be put on hold when non custodial parent is disabled?

Yes, if the NCP has little or no income of any kind.

Can child support be amended if a custodial parent does not enforce regular visits?

In Missouri, it can be put on hold. In California, it gets increased. see link

Can a child sue a parent for back child support if those funds weren't used to support the child?

Until you become 18 your guardians hold you right of attorney. Until then you cannot take any real legal action.