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Yes, you will still have to pay child support because you are the mother or father of the child, and that makes you still pay child support.

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Q: Do you need to pay child support if you have an intervention order stopping you from seeing the child?
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Do you have to pay maintenance for your child when the mother is stopping you from seeing him?

Yes your child's dependance on your support does not change because you have a disagreement with your ex.

How do you file to continue the garnishment of retirement pay for child support?

The question that would arise first is why it would be stopping if child support is still owed?

What is the process for stopping child support for my eighteen year old daughter?

The depends on whether child support in your state stops at that time. Only a few states do. see links below

You want to keep seeing your child and pay child support even after 18 years old?

Keep seeing is dependent of the age of majority in the specific state. Though some states require child support until age 21, in the others, it would be voluntary.

Can a mom stop the dad from seeing his daughter if he cant pay child support?

Absolutely not!

Can a a lawyer help the father stop his child support payments?

It depends on the reason for stopping them. If there is a valid reason, child support enforcement provides free legal help. see links below

What do you need to do if the man that pays child support to your child is not the father?

If you are not collecting Welfare, and your intent is to release him from the obligation, a motion will need to be made to the court, however if he already has parental rights, stopping support will not include stopping his access rights. Also, though the mother can file to suspend support, the man cannot in most of the country, whether he is the father or not.

I'm 18 and my mother gets child support for me but i don't see it. How can i get it put in my name?

you cant. child support is to help the parent support the child for example: pay bill and buy grocerys. plus it should be stopping soon if it hasn't already most child support payments stop at the child's 18th birthday or right after they graduate from high school

Can a father lose his rights if he doesn t see or support the child?

Not supporting at all if there is a child support order can mean he will end up in prison. Not seeing the child for a 1-2 years can mean the mother can apply to have his rights removed but the child support will stay.

In the state of Indiana does a noncustodial parent still have to pay child support and insurance on their 18 year old child if the child stops seeing them?

Yes, if the court order provides for child support and insurance past age 18.

Can the non-custodial parent not see the children on his weekend and Does he have to pay for not seeing them?

Pay what? In California, child support can be increase if he is not seeing the children on a regular basis.

When is it considered abandonment for a non custodial parent who pays child support but hasn't seen the child in 4 years in the state of florida?

In the US at least, child support and visitation are independant. A parent is still liable for child support all the way until the child reaches the age of majority, even if the parent has no intention of ever seeing the child.