The only way to legally not pay taxes is to not have any income at all. If you have income and you try to avoid paying taxes, you could get into a lot of trouble.
You are legally required to pay taxes. Taxes are only due on money you have earned therefore if you owe taxes you have had the money. If you do not pay the taxes you owe you will be sent to court and made to pay - even if you go to prison you will still owe the tax man.
You should pay all taxes that are legally due.
you speaka da english?
If you have a job you are legally required to file taxes. Your employer's responsibility is to take the taxes out of your paycheck and "pay the man," as it were. If your W-2s reflect taxes paid to the Gov't, you are in the clear - if you file.
The government has various means of enforcing its laws, and forcing people to pay taxes. Some people go to jail for tax evasion. Of course, there are also people who do not pay taxes because they are not required to pay taxes. If you have no money, you pay no taxes. Or, if you have quite a lot of money, you may have various tax write-offs and accounting schemes, offshore bank accounts etc., which also allow you to pay no taxes. It is only the middle class which tends to have no way to legally avoid paying tax.
Whether it's your parents or mine, you won't have to pay (other than through taxes) - children are not legally responsible for their parents.
No. If you pay the taxes on property that belongs to another person you are considered a volunteer. It doesn't give you any rights in or to the property.
Your personal property goes up for public auction, and someone else can buy it for much less than it is worth and throw you out legally. Unfair as they are, it is more practical to pay the taxes.
Yes, legally, the government requires an illegal worker to pay taxes. However, they also make it impossible to do so by requiring that you have a social security number in order to file taxes.
Some say "Yes". Some say "No". It depends what you want to hear. He did not say that he does or does not pay taxes during the September 26 debate. Paraphrased, he said it would make him smart if he did not pay taxes. You can draw your own conclusion. The thing is, there are corporations and individuals who can - and do - very legally not pay federal taxes. That is why many people want to change the U.S. Tax Code.
Legally he has to pay income tax on the net profit from the sale. It is income and therefore is taxable.
Yes, they pay taxes. If you work you pay taxes no exceptions.