Government agencies with leaders who seek to expand their organization's budgets and staffs to gain power
It made power more centealized. -apex-
Well they are a type of government so they have to gain the power themselves.
they get elected(not)
I don't know a lot about it exactly but i believe its because the nationalists were unbelievably corrupt and so Mao and the Chinese communist party (CCP) were able to gain a vast amount of support \ against the very unpopular nationalists and eventually came to power because people saw the CCP as a break away from the corrupt nationalists.
It depends on their form of government. The Prime Minister of England for example gains power through voting for a political party, and theire nominee prime minister.
Widespread poverty was a primary factor that helped fascist leaders gain power in Eastern Europe. Russia is an example of an Eastern European country.
An Oligarchy gained power because they were wealthy, aristocrats.
Leaders gain the right to rule in the social contract theory of consent, where individuals voluntarily agree to be governed by a leader or government in exchange for protection of their rights and well-being. This theory asserts that leaders derive their authority from the consent of the governed, who grant them the power to rule in their best interests.
To gain power the government and dictatorship must be overthrown.
Fascist totalitarian leaders did not gain power during WWII. They came to power before the war. It was largely their actions once in power that resulted in that war.