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The appraisal of a situation comes before both the physical arousal and the experience of the emotion.

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6mo ago

Lazarus's cognitive-mediation theory focuses on how cognitive appraisals of a situation mediate the emotional response. It suggests that when individuals appraise a situation as having personal relevance or as a threat, they experience emotional arousal. On the other hand, the Schachter-Singer cognitive arousal theory proposes that emotional experiences arise from the interpretation of physiological arousal, which is then given meaning through cognitive labeling. Thus, while Lazarus's theory emphasizes cognitive appraisals, the Schachter-Singer theory emphasizes the interpretation of physiological arousal.

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Q: How does Lazarus's cognitive-mediation theory differ from the Schachter-Singer cognitive arousal theory?
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These two theories differ more than they are similar to each other. The James-Lange theory argues that we experience the arousal from the event or situation first, and then we interpret the arousal and experience the emotion. Without the arousal there is no emotion experienced. The Lazarus theory argues that we must have a cognitive thought before any arousal or emotion is experienced. Without the thought there is no emotion experienced. These two theories are similar in the arousal that we experience before and during the emotion.

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Cognitive anxiety is basically the psychological (mental) side of anxiety, it acts on the brain, and has symptoms such as; poor concentration, confusion, negative images and fear, whereas Somatic anxiety is the physical side of it, and acts upon the body, with symptoms such as; 'butterflies' in the stomach, tense muscles, sweating and nausea. Cognitive state anxiety is moment-to-moment changes in worry and negative thoughts, and Somatic state anxiety is moment-to-moment changes in perceived physiological arousal (arousal being a negative blend of physiological and psychological emotions).

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The Arousal was created in 1988.

What is schachter singer theory of emotion?

emotion is based on two factors: physiological arousal and cognitive label. The theory was created by researchers Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer. Hopefully this helps whoever neeeds it!

What is schachter-singer theory of emotion?

emotion is based on two factors: physiological arousal and cognitive label. The theory was created by researchers Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer. Hopefully this helps whoever neeeds it!

When was Arousal Disasters created?

Arousal Disasters was created in 2003.

Example of low arousal levels in sport?

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