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that is illegal, and dishonest. the person who has guardianship for the child is who the child should be residing with.

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Q: If you give guardianship of a minor child to a relative and they do not live or care for themis it illegal?
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Can a relative of a child take away legal guardianship of that child from the other relative if the child is in no harm and being cared for?

Yes. * Maybe. The relative would have to request an investigation from the department of children and family services in the state where the child resides. If the investigation warrants the child being removed from the family home the relative can then petition the court for guardianship rights.

Are you obligated to pay child support for your child if you signed over legal guardianship to a relative in the state of new jersey?

You might be ordered to pay support.

Does a child with deceased parents have to go into state custody?

Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.Not necessarily, a family member or relative, friend, neighbor, parent of a friend, etc., can petition for guardianship. A child becomes a ward of the state when there is no other responsible adult willing or able to take permanent custody of the child.

Is it illegal for letting someone claim your child on their taxes?

They can only do so if the child is a qualifying child or relative anyway...and they provided the support.

How can legal guardianship be given to a relative?

Well, isn't that a lovely question! Legal guardianship can be given to a relative by going through the proper legal channels in your area. It's important to consult with a family law attorney who can guide you through the process with care and understanding. Remember, it's all about making sure the best interests of the child are at the heart of the decision.

Can a noncustodial blood relative get welfare for your child living in there GA home?

yes, under the specified relative rule. Department of family and children services will give beneifts to the child's blood relative without proof of legal custody or legal guardianship. Then they will transfer the case to the office of child support to sue the custodial parent. DFACS does not care if relative is harboring a runaway or reason child is in relative's care. If you locate your child and have them back in your home, office of child support will still sue you until the relative closes it's welfare case.

Does guardianship of a minor child mean custody or adoption?

Neither, just guardianship.

Can 17 year old live with non relative and get support from parents?

They would need to be under a legal guardianship and the parents under a child support order.

Can you take your own child from child services if you are the only one that has legal guardianship over the child?

It sounds as if child protective services has guardianship and, if so, you can't simply take your child back from them.

Can a us citizen become legal guardian to a us child whose parents are illegal?

An illegal alien cannot become a child's guardian. A guardian is someone who is legally allowed to look after a child and lives in a particular country legally.

When a person has guardianship of a minor what can that person do for that minor child?

When a person has guardianship they have the same authority as the parent and can do whatever they feel is in the best interest of the child.

Can a child live with a relative if he is going to be 18 in a few months without legal guardianship?

As far as I know you are an adult at that age and can pretty much choose where you want to live and with whom.