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You would be a probation violator and if you fail to appear at court, a capias or arrest warrant can issue.

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Q: If you run from probation and don't complete it will there always be a warent for your arrest?
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If you have a bench warent when you meet with your probation officer will she arrest you?


Your licence is about to expire in MA do you have to renew it before changing residency to NY?

It depends how old you are and if u have eany DUI's or if u have a warent for your arrest.

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Yes thay usaly do a warent check

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if i move to new york and have a felony warent well thay send me back

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How long does a bench warent stay on file?

Warrants never expire. They exist until canceled by the judge.

How do you take care of a warent in another state?

Either surrender and turn yourself in, or retain an attorney to look into the matter for you.

Is it illegal for a police officer to seach your car without out a warent?

NO. He can search your car if he has just cause without a warrant.

What happens if a 12 years old is caught stealing?

you wont go to juvy youll just get an aresst warent and if you do it again and get caought and you already have an arrest warrent youll get arrested so dont do it gain this has happened to me once so just dont steal on im 13 i stole 120 dollars from my work dont worry

Does a dnr officer need a search warent or probal cause to search a person?

They don't need a warrant. But if they have reason to belief that there is inleagle fish/game on/in the property they can enter with out concent

What is a bench warent?

A bench warrant is generally a warrant for the arrest of someone who has failed to appear in court as ordered. It's called that because it is issued from "the bench," the place where the judge sits in the courtroom.