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No. Marijuana is bad for the heath and the brain.

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Q: Is it okay for my 15 year old girls to smoke marijuana as long as they keep their grades up?
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Can you smoke marijuana with a picc line?

Yes. Keep your picc covered and make sure to wash your hands.

If you are in a marijuana hotbox but dont smoke will it show on a test within 3 days?

YES! you're still inhaling the smoke. Not if you keep drinkin water

What should a daily medicinal marijuana smoker do to clean out or keep their lungs as healthy as possible?

Don't smoke it. Ingest it.

Is it okay for teens to smoke weed?

No, it is illegal, and it can damage your health, if not kill you.

I take Keppra because I was hit by a car. That and ridline to wake me up more. So can I smoke marijuana.?

Ask your doctor. Your doctor must keep the marijuana use confidential, and is the best source for information about drug interactions.

How can you smoke your marijuana residue?

yes you can i think the best way is to scrape it onto a little bit of weed to keep the resin from going back down the pipe again

Is cannabis less harmful than fags?

F*a*g*s is a slang term for tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes are Probably the most dangerous legal substance a person can consume. They are a leading cause of cancer. Cannabis can be dangerous, but, nowhere near as dangerous as tobacco. The Number one reason tobacco is legal in the USA and marijuana is not is because of Money. The rich tobacco companies, (and the people who smoke and chew tobacco), keep it legal. Money interests keep marijuana illegal. I am not saying you should smoke marijuana, (unless it's for medical purposes), however tobacco is Far more dangerous than marijuana.

Will i get an infection if i smoke marijuana after a temporary filling on a root canal and how long should i wait before it is safe to smoke again?

Smoking "anything" --- and that certainly includes marijuana, slows down (in some cases, dramatically) the healing process because of the tar and nicotine (and who knows what in marijuana). Also, the inhalation of any "smoking" puts pressure on the socket, further slowing down the healing process. Keep away from smoking for at least 5 to 7 days after surgery.

If you smoke 5 hits of weed and wait thirty three days will you be clean?

NO - You would be STUPID - Keep yourself CLEAN ALL THE TIME

Can kids smoke hookah?

Kids should not be smoking anything! The answer is a big no! If you are referring to marijuana, it is harmful to kids and even teenagers brains! It may have some adverse long-term effects on teenagers and kids. Keep them away from marijuana until they're at the very least 21! If you're referring to tobacco, once again, do not allow them to smoke until after they're 18. Kids should not be smoking anything - or from anything, that is the bottom line! Regardless of what is in there, unless it is for medicinal reasons and you have a doctor's prescription for medicinal marijuana, kids should not be smoking marijuana, or anything else!

Why do you keep getting high?

because you keep smoking marijuana and doing drugs

How can you get in an honors class?

You have to get all your grades up to good grades and keep it like that until it is the end of the year