Your credit score is linked to your social security number, not your driver's license. You may only have one social security number.
If you have someone's Driver's License number you no longer need to find his driver's license number. Try restating the question.
Your driver's license number will always remain the same in Tennessee, even if your license has been revoked and reinstated. A license number is similar to a social security number, because it will always stay the same in your state of residence.
It is not possible to calculate or determine someone's social security number from their driver's license number. Social security numbers and driver's license numbers are issued and maintained by different government agencies and are not connected in a way that allows for such a conversion. It is important to protect personal information and avoid attempting to link unrelated identifiers.
Only if your dog has a Social Security Number and a Driver's license.
Unfortunately, that CAN NOT be done (in the USA at least) :(
No. An employer can use a driver's license number as well. It is easier with a SS#, but it can be acquired with the driver's license too. (At least in the USA.)
When your driver's license have been suspened in Tn. when they are reinstated are you issued a new driver's license number?
how do I find my ny driver license number?
You can find a person's driver's license number by simple looking at the top of their driver's license card.
If your license has been suspended in Tennessee, you are not allowed to have a driver license. However, if you have get your license reinstated, you can be issued another license. Your license number will always be the same number, even if it has been revoked before.
In Tn when your driver's license is suspended and them reinstated, your driver's license number remains the same. Depending on the offense, you may receive a new license card with updated information with the same number one was originally issued.