u.s. senators
The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires popular election of U.S. Senators.
A constitutional amendment would be required. (:
The 17th Amendment of the Constitution established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment Senators were elected by state legislatures.
The direct election of senators was adopted in 1913 under the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment changed the way senators were chosen, shifting the responsibility from state legislatures to the people through popular vote.
That was the 17th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, ratified 8 April 1913.
a Constitutional Amendment
Amendment 16 which allows an income tax and Amendment 19 for women's suffrage were goals of the Progressive movement. Amendment 17 which called for US senators to be elected by direct popular vote may also be labeled progressive.
amendment to 17th amendment
Seventeenth amendment
The 17th amendment
The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1913, established the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures. This amendment aimed to increase democracy and eliminate corruption in the selection of Senators.