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"The general assembly finds and declares that it is the public policy of this state that frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with both parents after the parents have separated or dissolved their marriage is in the best interest of the child…

In order to effectuate this public policy, a court with jurisdiction shall enforce visitation, custody and child support orders in the same manner." (§ 452.340 note 7).

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Q: What are Missouri laws on parental alienation?
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When is parental alienation awareness day?

April 25th

In Missouri if a husband and wife get a divorce can she legally change th childrens names to her maiden name without permission of the father?

No, as that's a sign of parental alienation. see my profile

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Dr- Phil - 2002 Parental Alienation Who's to Blame was released on: USA: 1 November 2013

How can a child recover from Parental Alienation Syndrome?

A child can recover from parental alienation syndrome through therapy and being provided a stable environment. The stable environment should be with people that love the child and will not abandon the child.

Can you be sued for alienation of affection in Missouri?

No. It was abolished by the Missouri Supreme Court in 2003 as an antiquated concept in law.

Is parental alienation a child abuse?

Abused children are likely to feel alienated from their parents, but alienation is not itself a form of abuse, it is just a consequence of abuse.

How do you prove someone is manipulating my children?

You need to learn about parental alienation syndromesee links

What is parental permission?

can a minor in the state of Missouri be emancipated with parental permission at the age of 15

How do you reverse child custody in parental alienation case?

You petition the court to modify the custody order.

Can a minor at the age of 15 in Missouri get emancipation with parental conscent?

Yes, in Missouri, a minor who is 16 or 17 years old can petition for emancipation with parental consent. However, a minor who is 15 years old cannot get emancipated in Missouri with parental consent.

Can a child decide not to follow custody?

No as that would be showing disrespect for the court, which is a learned behavior and a condition of parental alienation.