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Supreme law of the land

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Supreme law of the land.

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What must court case involve in order for the Supreme Court to hear them?

Constitution, treaties, or Federal Laws

Why did the representatives in Philadelphia create the constitution of the untied United states?

to enforce the laws an treaties

According to article VI?

the constitution, national laws, and U.S. treaties are the supreme laws of the land. (novanet)

Supremacy Clause?

provision that states myst not violate the Constitution, federal laws or treaties

The principle function of the federal judiciary under the Constitution is to?

try cases arising under the constitution,federal laws,and treaties

Do United Nations treaties supersede the Constitution?

No. Otherwise why have a constitution at all

What are the powers of the Supreme Court.?

•Interprets the laws. •Makes sure they are faithfully applied. •Deals with cases involving the Constitution, -Federal Laws,treaties and -disputes between states •Interprets the laws. •Makes sure they are faithfully applied. •Deals with cases involving the Constitution, -federal laws,treaties and -disputes between states

What does Supreme Law of the Land means?

u.s constitution of Federal Laws and treaties based upon ityour welcome❤

What court cases involved in order for the Supreme Court to hear them?

Constitution, treaties, or Federal Laws

Does the Illinois constitution helps establish federal laws and treaties?

I think no because the il constitution is just for the state, not the whole u.s.

Which Article of the Constitution gives federal courts the right to rule on cases involving the Constitution federal laws or treaties?

Article lll

What is the highest law in the US legal system?

The US Constitution and any federal laws or treaties passed in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.