Fair use is a small part of copyright law that allows certain unlicensed uses of protected works. If you use protected works, without a license, in a manner not addressed by the fair use clause (in other words, if your use is not fair), your use would be infringing. Copyright infringement is punishable by fines ranging from $750 to $30,000.
Fair use is LEGAL. But it's an American law so not legal elsewhere, though some countries have similar laws.
1) Use only original material that you have created.2) Use only works that have fallen into the public domain3) Use only copyrighted material that you have obtained permission to use from the rights holder.4) Use copyrighted material in such as way that it will qualify as "fair use"
Fair use or fair dealing provisions allow certain limited unlicensed uses.
All cited images in (or on) this (what ever you need it for) are used under the Fair Use Interpretation of Copywrite Laws. All others are used by permission.
A court system
Cookbook publishers are affected by the same laws that apply to other books. copyright laws, trademark laws, and contract laws. Other issues are laws concerning fair use of recipes and photographs.
All members of the World Trade Organization are required to recognize other members' copyright laws. They must also base their laws on the Berne Convention, Article 10 of which describes uses that may be "fair practice." So, if you correctly apply the fair use or fair practice doctrine, nothing happens. Unfortunately, no one has created a definition of fair use that is widely accepted in its entirety. So there is always the possibility that someone will cry foul and take you to court.
In certain limited circumstances, fair use or fair dealing clauses in copyright laws allow excerpting books.
The 14th amendment of the constitution ensures that the US government applies laws that are fair and equally applied. The 14th amendment is also known as the Equal Protection Clause.
A court system
They're not the same. Copyright is the ability of the owner of the rights in a work to prohibit certain uses of a work. Fair use is the ability of someone to legally use a copyrighted work for certain limited purposes without permission of the copyright owner.
The Federal Trade Commission's Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971, and its amendment in 2003, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) are the federal laws that regulate the use of credit reports.