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Q: What cleans handles on kitchen and bathroom handles that are porcelain and brass?
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What cleans food from sides of bowls?

You can use a dish sponge or a kitchen dish brush.

What kitchen cleaning product cleans a penny best?

Something with a mild acid in it. Try salt and lemon juice.

Do newborn kitten go to the bathroom?

Yes they urinate and defecate just like big kittie. The mother clean them and this causes them to use the bathroom. The mother kittie then cleans that mess up.

Who offers commercial kitchen cleaning?

Cintas are a company that offer commerical kitchen cleaning. These services offer deep cleaning services, essential supplies, kitchen maintenance supplies, safety advice and training for your kitchen employees.

What reindeer would you find cleaning your bathroom?

the reindeer with soft hooves and sneezes soap so that it could clean up.

Can you mix Ammonia and pine sol?

I do and it cleans wonderfully. I use more ammonia than pine sol in a see through bottle. I use it for stains on the kitchen floor, the stove, sink and the whole bathroom. It has a very strong smell though, sometimes I have to spray and let it sit but it is one of those things where you can spray then wipe and be done. We are all still alive and I have asthma.

Why do you need water for when you have to go to the bathroom?

because water has healthy minerals and extracts can clean in gaps in your skin. if you are washing you're hands it cleans in between the the creases and gaps in your fingers and thumb

Who cleans a kitchen in a restaurant?

It depends on the restaurant. In some the cook, dishwashers, and staff are expected to clean up the kitchen. In others, a cleaning crew and dishwashers may be hired to keep the chefs and sous chefs free to cook. Some restaurants have open kitchens and it is easy to see how clean they are.

Who is someone that cleans building?

Someone ​who​ cleans​ buildings

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What product best cleans a bathroom sink without scratching it?

If you want a natural cleaner that will not scratch the sink, try baking soda. Lemon juice will also spiff up a bathroom and add a nice scent. If you need a commercial strength cleaner and are concerned about your sink getting scratched, Soft Scrub is probably your best bet!

Why do women hang out in the bathroom with their sons?

Generally mothers go with sons that are under school age to make sure their son is not abducted. And little boys often miss the target and mom cleans it up for the next person.