the legislative branch
Founders are those who establish or "found" a group, organization, or country. In the US, the "Founding Fathers" were the colonial leaders during and following the Revolutionary War, who established a new nation, and a framework of government under the Constitution.
chimel v. califorina
U.S. Government
Government Printing Office (GPO)
Government Printing Office (GPO)
The founding fathers (John Adams, George Washington, etc).
The Civil Service CommissionAnother View: Actually the agencies of the federal government are responsible for hiring their own empoyees. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), FORMERLY known as the US Civil Service Commission, sets the rules for federal emplpoyees.
The United States Government.
In the US, White grandparents were found to be the least likely racial group responsible for their grandchildren.
The U.S. government since the country was founded.