they shoudnt mean anything cause it is over 10 years but to be on the save side take it to your nearsest court or policestation and make sure they have checked it and cleared it ..... <Sorry, warrants never just go away and they always have the same importance. Go to the court and deal with it. Depending on what they are for some arrangement can be made to settle them. If traffic with fines then you can usually make payments. If jail time and you have a clean record since the judge may reduce or lessen it. Either way, warrants don't just go away. If they are traffic and you have moved then all states do not share with each other. You may be clear as long as you stay out of the state that issued them.>
No. A 10 year old is too young.
they cant,too young
I am not positive but I think it is 10year old- youth 3
Um No why would she. Only if she adopted a10year old. But I don't think she can.
Warrants don't expire because they are issued by the court and only the court can cancel them.
way legal
His average IQ is 100, as is the average IQ of everyone
The bankruptcy court has not yet decided. The latest proposal is for it to be exchanged for warrants. Warrants sometimes have value. They can be traded for stock if the stock reaches a certain value before the warrants expire. However, a bankruptcy judge must approve all the proposals.
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There are two kinds of arrest warrants: "straight" warrants, which are issued as a result of a criminal complaint or indictment, and "default" warrants, which are issued because a person defaults on their responsibility to either appear in court or pay a court-mandated fine. From
Yeah!!! ---- Sure, for about 10 minutes, but not seriously, marriage-bound, life-long love.