Power is the ability to make things happen in the way an individual wants, either by self or by the subordinates. The essence of power is control over the behavior of others (French & Raven, 1962). Managers derive power from both organizational and individual sources. These sources are called position power and personal power, respectively. Personal power resides in the individual and is independent of that individual's position. . Three bases of personal power are: 1. Expertise, 2. Rational persuasion, 3. Reference. Expert power is the ability to control another person's behavior by virtue of possessing knowledge,experience, or judgment that the other person lacks, but needs. A subordinate obeys a supervisor possessing expert power because the boss ordinarily knows more about what is to be done or how it is to be done than does the subordinate. Expert power is relative, not absolute. However the table may turn in case the subordinate has superior knowledge or skills than his/ her boss. In this age of technology driven environments, the second proposition holds true in many occasions where the boss is dependent heavily on the juniors for technologically oriented support. Rational persuasion is the ability to control another's behavior, since, through the individual's efforts, the person accepts the desirability of an offered goal and a viable way of achieving it. Rational persuasion involves both explaining the desirability of expected outcomes and showing how specific actions will achieve these outcomes. Referent power is the ability to control another's behavior because the person wants to identify with the power source. In this case, a subordinate obeys the boss because he or she wants to behave,perceive, or believe as the boss does. This obedience may occur, for example, because the subordinate likes the boss personally and therefore tries to do things the way the boss wants them done. In a sense, the subordinate attempts to avoid doing anything that would interfere with the pleasing boss-subordinate relationship. Followership is not based on what the subordinate will get for specific actions or specific levels of performance, but on what the individual represents-a path toward lucrative future prospects. Charismatic Power is an extension of referent power stemming from an individual's personality and interpersonal style. Others follow because they can articulate attractive visions, take personal risks, demonstrate follower sensitivity, etc.
robins and sparrows have different arrangements of the bases
Two companies that produce different products can benefit from a merge because they will share customer bases and instantly double the customers that are associated with their new partner.
Birds and flowers have different arrangements of the bases.
They have the same bases in different orders
Power refers to the ability to influence or control others. The formal bases of power include legitimate power (authority granted by a formal position), reward power (ability to provide rewards), coercive power (ability to administer punishment), referent power (based on attractiveness or charisma), and expert power (based on knowledge or expertise). Each of these bases gives individuals the ability to influence others within a specific context.
The bases of cylinders are circular whereas the bases of prisms are polygons.
Bears and raccoons use the same bases, but in a different order Aplex birds have a different arrangement of the bases than flowers
they have a different arrangement of the base
The bases in one allele is different from bases in another allele because an allele is different forms of the same gene. This means that even though they have been programed for the same thing there is a variation
You can show the class how bubbles are like fingerprints, by how they are shaped and how pigments combine with these to make different colors. Or, show them how a mountain may form into a volcano; you need also to explain about how plates move in this as well. Or, explain about the effects of acids and bases on the browning of different apples.