There are ordinances against tobacco use by minors, and its sale to minors. These things are law, and have penalties associated with them. In many cities it is illegal to smoke in restaurants, schools, and/or in public. Many restaurants and pubs, known as smokeeasies, exist that allow smoking anyway despite these laws.
Tobacco is not an illegal narcotic, so the answer to your questions is NO, dipping will not show up. Use of tobacco is highly addictive. Sale to a minor is illegal. Dipping can cause cancer.
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to use tobacco products, so the answer is YES!
Yes , if it is illegal for minors to smoke in the state, it is illegal to for adults to give them tobacco products.
Tobacco has never been illegal.
if you are under the age limit then it is illegal to smoke tobacco.
bongs are sold under the legal idea that people are smoking tobacco with them. really, who smokes tobacco in a bong…
No. Hooka is just tobacco which is not illegal if you are of age to posses it.
Cigarette papers are not illegal if used for tobacco.
In the United States, it isn't illegal to grow.