Nobody. Son Of Sam killer David Berkowitz was arrested after receiving a parking ticket that proved he was in the area.
The population of Sam Son is 57,625.
Sam's Son was created in 1984.
Some person named "Sam" had a son.
Son of Sam - band - was created in 2000.
Sam-Son Farm was created in 1972.
The real name of the Son of Sam killer is David Berkowitz.
Sam and his mother's sister's son are first cousins, just as you and Sam are first cousins. But you are not related to Sam's mother's sister's son.
David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam, is a serial killer, not a dictator.
No David James Elliott is not Sam Elliotts son
Another Son of Sam - 1977 was released on: USA: 1977
== == David Berkowitz was the real name of the serial killer nicknamed Son of Sam.