"Regulation sign" Reference: It is regulating something. Failure to obey these signs can result in a traffic citation.
Usually are yellow and diamond-shaped, with black lettering or symbols.
It's rectangular in shape, with the long sides perpendicular to the ground, it has a white bacground, and black lettering. As for how to react to it... you simply heed by it.
White buoy's with orange markings and black lettering are a regulatory marker for boaters.
The standard traffic sign will be a vertical rectangle w/black letters on a white background. If it is on a temporary construction zone sign, it will be an orange triangle w/black lettering. React to both by KEEPING RIGHT!
a yellow, white, or orange background
An orange crossed diamond and black lettering indicates an area where vessels are prohibited and only swimming is allowed.
It is located down by the brake pedal....on the left side. its a rectangular shaped black plastic box mounted on the firewall.
Yale Locks
it is red because it is made for different types of court
Controlled area