Currently, 1 US Dollar is worth about 52.07
1 U.S. dollar = 47.9501319 Indian rupees
given todays economy; 1 dollar=4,50-7 kroner
The mint does not make 5 oz gold eagles, they make 5 dollar 1/10oz gold eagles with a value of $117.58 as of today.
$1 in 1980 was worth $2.61 in today's money.
The value of $1 in 1935 was worth the equivalent of about $17.40 today. The increase is accounted for by inflation and other economic pressures.
7-19-11>>> The coin is a 1/10th ounce 1986 American Eagle gold bullion coin with a value today of about $150.00
As of today with the spot price of gold at $1,096.90 this coins value is about $100.00
No. The value of 1 United States of American dollar to Indian currency is 49 Indian Rupees and 55647 Indian Paise
Which is the price of dollar today
As of today about $17.00