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[of course Jew genocide.]

Stalin, Lenin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, The Crusades, Harry S. Truman, Christopher Columbus, Hitler, Hutu's, etc. are all names that one should remember of when trying to answer this question.

Stalin, Lenin and Mao where moved by political ideals and they all ordered the killing of many thousands and provoked several million deaths, namely from famine.

During the "Khmer Rouge period" Pol Pot managed to wipeout 2 million cambodians which was merely about 25% of the population, all that in 4 years.

Harry S. Truman, the 33rd president of the US of A was probably the most "efficient" one for he was the man who released the order which erased 100 thousand lives from the face of the planet in 1 second.

Cristopher Columbus discovered the American Continent, he is of course, guilty of anything, but he's.. finding, resulted in the near extinction of the native American people. During 400 years they died of war and disease brought in by the outsiders.

Hitler was racially motivated he acted upon the shadow of Eugenics, which is the selective breeding applied to humans. No politics were involved like in the fore mentioned cases. He let to the killing of approximately 14 million.

What I tried to explicit here is that the "worst genocide" has to be evaluated taking into concern not just the numbers but the reasons and the time it took to achieve those numbers.

From a mainstream point of view I'd say the worst or at least the most "popular" is the Holocaust which makes no justice to all the homosexual, physically challenged, mentally handicapped, pow's, soviet civilians, polictic and religious opponents, that were also killed. 14 million.

Taking into account only the numbers, definetly Comunist regimes between 1925 and 1975 that includes Lenin, Stalin and Mao-Zedong. All summed up, probably more than 100 million lifes were taken.

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