The offices of the President and the Vice President are part of the executive branch of government. Legislative and judiciary are the other two branches.
The President can not hold any other offices while he is president. (I suppose he could run for some other office and then resign one of them if he is elected to both. This will never happen for several reasons. )
California Governor
No. The presidency was his only elected office.
No. He must resign any other offices before he is sworn in as President. He can run for President while he holds another office.
governor of new york
president of the state senate
Only for the offices of the US President and US Vice President must a citizen be natural-born. All other political offices in the United States federal government can be held by former immigrants.
The current count of offices is five main offices with three sub branches. The president of the AA Car Badges is planning to develop more offices in other European Communities in the later years.
The White House is the home to the president and his family. Within it there is the Oval Office that is the official office of the president. The West Wing contains offices for people who work for the president. The Press Room is there and other offices. In the East Wing are the offices of the First Lady. She has a secretary and others who help her plan events and keep her schedule. The bottom floor of the White House is a museum and open for public tours.
All of the 15 cabinet departments support the President's programs.
He was previously a US Senator for Massachusetts.