Which philosopher shared john Locke's belief that the executive and legislative branches of government should be separate?
The executive and legislative branches are separate entities.
Legislative and executive
the concept of government, separate branches for judicial, legislative, executive
The United States government is divided into three separate branches, each with distinct responsibilities. These are the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.
The United States government is divided into three separate branches, each with distinct responsibilities. These are the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.
This is provided by the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government, as set forth by the US Constitution.
Legislative branch.It consists of the senate and the house of representatives.
The US Constitution designates three separate but equal branches of the US government. They are the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
The Constitution call's for the powers of federal government to be divided among the three separate branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary branch.
the division of powers among the different branches of the government
Legislative branch makes law; Executive branch (president) executes laws.