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If you are pushed then u can fight back. If you are being intimidated and you feel you are in danger then you can fight back.

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Q: When can you legally and phyisically fight back if intimidated or pushed?
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A Fray is a fight. Legally it is called an Affray.

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You work for a local bar as a bouncer if a fight happens legally what are you allowed to do and not do?

depends on state laws i can speak to North Carolina however. if two patrons fight each other, legally you can separate them because citizens are allowed to detain in NC for assault. Since you are able to legally detain, you are legally allowed to escort them out of your bar because of the disorderly conduct and disruptive nature of their actions. if they resist and the bouncer is threatened with imminent bodily harm for intervening, he can defend himself with any use of force that stops the threat.this all leads to the answer you are looking for which is, yes, if a fight is breaking out, you can jack both of the fools up and toss them out the door. (separate doors if you wish the fight to stop, the same door if you were just protecting the bar's property)

Can gucci mane fight?

yeah he can fight but he hit really hard as you look how hard he hit breezy during his show he pushed her she came back and hit him with a bottle then gucci got made and super man puched her