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There is a very long history of conflict in Rwanda which was first settled by Hutu people from the tenth century, but from the fourteenth century they became dominated by the Tutsu people migrating to the area. They established a monarchy in the fifteenth century and then a unified state in the late nineteenth century. So this very prolonged historic dominance of the majority Hutus by the minority Tutus is the root cause of the bitterness between these two ethnic groups in Rwanda which has dominated Rwanda's whole history.

Bitterness intensified in 1959 when the Belgian Mandate was in control when the Hutu population rebelled against Tutsu domination resulting in the King and 150,000 Tutus fleeing Rwanda. Rwanda then became a Republic in 1961 and achieved independence in July 1962 under a Hutu President. But he was overthrown in 1973 in a military coup led by Major General Juvenai Habyarimana who took over as President.

After armed Tutsu exiles repeatedly attempted to invade Rwanda in the 1960s and 70s but were repulsed by the Hutu army, continued conflict left thousands dead over a period of ten years. Then in October 1990 they again invaded the country taking control of parts of north Rwanda. The Rwanda government reneged on a 1992 peace agreement and the Tutsu led Rwanda Patriotic Front or FPR advanced on Kigali and forced government to recommence negotiations.

Then after President Habyarimana died in a plane crash, this sparked off the most terrible massacre of both the Tutsu minority and moderate Hutus by the army and militia. 800,000 were massacred in 3 months, millions fleeing to neighbouring countries. A government report in 2002 stated 1,074,017 people, of whom 93% were Tutsus were killed between 1990 and 1994. the country has since achieved relative stability under the FPR but bitterness between the two peoples remains below the surface.

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The Hutu and Tutsi genocide lasted 6 month's.

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16y ago

Between 1959 and 1994.

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It all happened in 1994 in just 100 days

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It happened April to June 1994.

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