No real "scientist" believes that aliens exist, just as no real scientist 'believes' that aliens do not exist. That's just a simple fact that comes from simple definitions. A real 'Scientist' is an observer who draws conclusions from what he observes. His conclusions have nothing to do with opinion, faith, judgment, or what he believes or doesn't believe. No observation by astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmologists, biologists, physicists, or anyone else has provided any evidence yet that points to the existence of life outside of Earth, or any evidence that rules it out. So nobody has any scientific basis for 'believing' either way ... even though many people, including many scientists, have a strong hunch that it does exist.
its fake
i believe in them but we haven't found out yet
Non empirical research is the study of data from existing information. In non-empirical research the researcher can make a conclusive argument and he can prove the arguments without consulting the data.
It is possible. Since space is so big, every scientist that says that aliens are not real, do not deserve to call themself scientist.
There is no need to worry; in real life there is no evidence, let alone proof, that there are any aliens. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and there is no reason to believe it isn't us.
Many sites are devoted to extraterrestrial aliens, such as Alien UFO Research, Alien UFO Pictures, and Are Aliens Real? Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to determine which evidence represents real alien encounters and which is simply a hoax or misinterpretation. The only true way to obtain legitimate evidence of aliens is to have an encounter personally, which is unlikely.
No real evidence of aliens visiting this planet or our solar system exists therfore it is not known.
No,because aliens are not real the atmosphere on other planets can not support the living.but if they were real i believe aliens would be peaceful. ,despite the tv shows and video games , that make the aliens seem harmful.
You are just full of "real" questions, aren't you? I believe they are. Many do not. It depends on what you believe. Most Christians do not believe in aliens, although I am Christian and do believe in them.
It is kind of hard to prove a negative. Absence of evidence is not the same thing as evidence of absence. So no one can say "aliens aren't real". All that can be said is that "so far, no aliens are known and proven to exist". aliens may very well be real. personally i think aliens have visited us and that they are peaceful. but some people might say if they are real why haven't they shown themselves to prove they are real. i think that they think if they did, it would cause panic and maybe even a whole war when they don't want one.
Scardox aliens do not mate. Science has never confirmed the existence of aliens as of 2014, though many people believe they are real.