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what the delegates gained by agreeing to the compromise was that at the constitutional convention was that everyone had a different idea for a new government

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Q: Why were the delegates willing to compromise with one another in drafting the constitution?
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There was only one compromise regarding slavery and it was the three-fifths compromise which stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for purposes of assigning House of Representative seats. Another compromise during the Constitutional convention was the Great compromise which created a bicameral legislature and the creation of the electoral college for Presidential elections.

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bc the southern states' economies needed the slave trade, and many southern delegates said they'd leave the Union if the constitution immediately ended the trade. =D

Why did the delegates agree to allow the international slave trade to continue for another 20 years?

bc the southern states' economies needed the slave trade, and many southern delegates said they'd leave the Union if the constitution immediately ended the trade. =D

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The Bill of Rights did a couple of things for Americans. For one, it was demanded by many of the delegates who attended the Continental Congress because after so many years of life under the rule of the English Crown, obeying every whim of the king, the newly liberated Americans did not want their new government to become too powerful, so they demanded some basic rights before they would agree to ratify the Constitution. Another way it helped Americans is that it fixed some of the problems that they could not agree on during the initial drafting of the constitution.

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enrolled, recruited, enlisted, conscripted