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depends on the product i guess. coffee beans confuse there smell but that not always 100% guaranteed. I used coffee beans for a good 2-3 years. But I no longer am in business.

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11mo ago

Police dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, but there are still some things they may struggle to detect. For example, certain non-volatile substances or objects that do not emit a strong odor may go undetected. Additionally, certain encapsulated drugs or substances may be difficult for a dog to detect unless they are specifically trained for it.

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How to train a police dog to smell?

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Can smell travel on a sound wave?

No, smell cannot travel on a sound wave. Smell is detected through the olfactory system in the nose, while sound waves are physical vibrations that travel through a medium like air, water, or solids.

Name an interesting fact about a dog's sense of smell?

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