Well, darling, FEMA Treas 310 Misc Pay is just a fancy term for a payment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. So, if you see that on your bank statement, it means you've received some cash from FEMA for who knows what - maybe a disaster relief grant or something else. Just enjoy the money and try not to spend it all in one place, honey.
FEMA TREAS 310 Misc Pay is a code used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to designate payments made for various types of assistance. These payments could include disaster relief, individual assistance, or other emergency aid programs provided by FEMA. The code helps FEMA track and categorize the payments for accounting and reporting purposes.
Department of Immigration Health Services
APA stands for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payment. APA Treas 310 Misc Pay is a type of electronic payment from the U.S. Department of the Treasury processed through the ACH system.
Likely student loan refund. Just got it today myself
It's money from the TREAsury department of the federal government -- a tax refund, stimulus payment, or similar
Payment from VA (Veteran's Affairs) for travel compenstation.The Veteran's Administration compensates veteran's for travel expenses incurred for medical treatment by direct bank deposit. Transitioning away from immedicate cash reembursement on day of service.36 TREAS 310 MISC PAY
You received a notification to deposit just as a reminder to offset your dues.
It is payment to a school from the government for a student that is considered a displaced worker.(Someone that has lost their job in their known field.)The government pays for the cost and tools for this displaced worker to be retrained.
I hope this helps, Farm Service Agency direct deposit payments delayed. Also, the description on the bank statement of Direct Deposit Payees will change and the bank statement will read, "FSA TREAS 310" for all payments that are disbursed by the Treasury Department
It can also indicate payments from the US DEPT of Agriculture (R J Reynolds) tobacco buyout payments for farmers with existing tobacco allotments that are giving up said allotments...i.e., getting payments for no longer growing tobacco and giving up the right to NO longer grow tobacco thereby ending your tobacco allotment for your farm.
do I have to pay fema for the relief I reiceived
It can also indicate payments from the US DEPT of Agriculture (R J Reynolds) tobacco buyout payments for farmers with existing tobacco allotments that are giving up said allotments...i.e., getting payments for no longer growing tobacco and giving up the right to NO longer grow tobacco thereby ending your tobacco allotment for your farm.