Here are ways to write "100" in some languages: Spanish: cien French: cent German: hundert Italian: cento
French: rayures Spanish: rayas German: Streifen Italian: strisce Japanese: ストライプ (sutoraipu)
French: succès Spanish: éxito German: Erfolg Italian: successo
Over 100 different languages are spoken in Manchester, NH. The most common languages spoken include English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.
There is no such language as Creole. the word "creole" refers to a category of languages that are a blend of 2 completely different languages. There are more than 100 living creolized languages in the world. Most are English-based or French based.
im not crazy in 100 different languages
There are over 200 aboriginal languages spoken in Australia. You'd have to specify which language you're talking about.
People's names are the same in all languages.
There is no such language as Creole. the word "creole" refers to a category of languages that are a blend of 2 completely different languages. There are more than 100 living creolized languages in the world. Most are English-based or French based.