"Of course" in French is translated as "Bien sûr" or "Bien entendu".
"Yes of course" in French is "Oui bien sûr".
People or food? people starting something are débutants(e)s; the first course of a meal is les hors d'oeuvres OR les entrées. The American use of entrée to mean main course is aberrant.
Moi bien sûr.
"Of course" in French is "bien sûr" or "bien entendu."
To say "of course I would" in French, say "bien sûr (que) je voudrais".
"Of course" in French is translated as "Bien sûr" or "Bien entendu".
"Yes of course" in French is "Oui bien sûr".
People or food? people starting something are débutants(e)s; the first course of a meal is les hors d'oeuvres OR les entrées. The American use of entrée to mean main course is aberrant.
Course automobile.
Tapis de course
Bonne course
French say "yacht" because the name originated from the Dutch. A yacht race, in French is "course de yachts".
Race in french would be Course. Marathon is spelled the same.
une course cycliste
bien sûr que non