"Kamusta" is the informal way to say "hi" in Filipino.
In Afrikaans, you say "Hi" as "Hallo."
"Chim achukma" is how you say hi in Choctaw.
To say "hi" in Chinese, you can say "ไฝ ๅฅฝ" (pronounced "nว hวo").
In Portuguese, you say "hi" as "oi" or "olรก".
Hi, It is approx 140miles from Amsterdam to Dusseldorf and will take around 2hr 20mins at average speeds. Thanks
Ik hou van Amsterdam
this is how, hi!
to say hi
hola is how to say hi in cuba
Say Hi was created in 2002.
this is how you say hi in Spanish hola
burges have a hi binge food in take and will kill you when you have 7
"Kamusta" is the informal way to say "hi" in Filipino.
You can say "hi" but you can not jump "hi".
to say hi to someone