In Apache, the word for survivor is "gozhqq."
The Apache word for strength is "bi'aah."
In Western Apache, you can say "Yaa'at'ééh jini" which means Happy Birthday.
In Konkani, you say "svoagat" to welcome someone.
To say "welcome" in Tlingit, you can say "Yak'éi."
How do you say you’re welcome in Apache
What is the Apache Indian translation for greetings?
Note: This is Western Apache. Eastern Apache or other dialects of Apache may be different.For "You are not welcome here!" you can say either of the follwing:ne yaa' ta sai' pas (yaa' ta sai' literally means "you are welcome here", and is often used in a similar manner as the English word "Hello." The ne... pas negates the phrase which it surrounds.) {{If you have pronunciation difficulties, you could think of this as three words: "Neh Yatasay Pahs" Note: Pas, is close to the English word Pause, but more relaxed, almost as if you were trying to say "Pass"}}orne yaa' ta sai yaa' mas which means "You are never welcome here!" as in "You are not welcome here! Ever!"(See also my answer on "How do you say i love you in Apache?" , for a few other Apache words and pronunciation of Apache sounds.)--Chado2423
Note: The translation below is Western Apache. Eastern Apache or other dialects of Apache may be different.yaa' ta' sai' or Yatasay is often used in a similar manner as the English word "Hello." Literally it means "You are welcome here."See related link below.
In Apache, the word for goodbye is "Ha'goz." The Apache language is a Southern Athabaskan language spoken by the Apache people in the United States. The word "Ha'goz" is used to bid farewell or to say goodbye in Apache culture.
How do you say perfect in apache
Is Apache a lenguage?
In Apache, the word for survivor is "gozhqq."
The Apache word for strength is "bi'aah."
In Western Apache, you can say "Yaa'at'ééh jini" which means Happy Birthday.
you say welcome aboard I don't know why but that seems to be the case
What is the Apache word for