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"le chien" for the male dog; "la chienne" for the female dog.

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It is "le chien" in French. "Chien" is a masculine noun, so it takes the masculine article "le."

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When do you use Le and La?

"Le" and "La" are used in French to indicate the gender of nouns. "Le" is used with masculine singular nouns and "La" is used with feminine singular nouns. For example, "Le chien" (the dog) uses "Le" because "chien" is masculine, while "La maison" (the house) uses "La" because "maison" is feminine.

What does Le chien est sous l'arbre mean?

"Le chien est sous l'arbre" means "The dog is under the tree" in French.

Examples of feminine and masculine noun?

masculine: le soleil (sun) le savon (soap) le printemps, l'été, l'automne, l'hiver (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) le chien (the dog) le couteau (the knife) feminine: la lune (the moon) la voiture, la maison (the car, the house) l'assiette, la fourchette, la cuiller (the plate, the fork, the spoon)

How do you say these words in french with there male and female signs like le or la or l the words are dog egg ice jewelry night octopus phone queen righting tree unicorn virtual x-ray yellow zebra?

dog - le chien / la chienne egg - l'œuf (masculine only) ice - la glace jewelry - les bijoux (masculine plural) night - la nuit octopus - le poulpe / la pieuvre phone - le téléphone / la téléphone queen - la reine righting - le redressement / la redressement tree - l'arbre (masculine only) unicorn - la licorne virtual - virtuel / virtuelle x-ray - la radiographie yellow - jaune zebra - le zèbre / la zèbre

Es que chien peut enculer la femme?

La zoophilie est illégale et inacceptable. Les actes sexuels non consentis ou forcés, qu'ils impliquent des animaux ou des humains, sont condamnables et punissables par la loi. Il est important de respecter la dignité et le bien-être de tous les êtres vivants.

Related questions

How do you say dog bed in French?

You can say "le lit pour chien" in French.

What actors and actresses appeared in Le chien vert - 2001?

The cast of Le chien vert - 2001 includes: Pierre Berriau as Le Bouquiniste Carine Lacroix as La jeune fille

Can you please translate Le petite chien from French to English?

'Le petite chien' is not right. It should be 'le petit chien' for male dog and 'la petite chienne' for female dog. It means The little dog.

What does un chien mean in English?

Chien in french means dog. It is written "le chien" - "the dog", it refers to both feminin and masculin dogs, even though the noun is masculin. "le" before the noun is masculin "la" before the noun is feminin

What actors and actresses appeared in Hubert et le chien - 2007?

The cast of Hubert et le chien - 2007 includes: Julien Cafaro as Le peintre Christophe Dechavanne as Hubert Martin Patrick Guillemin as Marcel Grangier Michel Mintrot as Le chauffeur de taxi Christian Pereira as Le garde chien Docteur Louis Fabrice Robert as Le dealer Claude Sese as Le directeur de la SPA Isabelle Tanakil as La pharmacienne Nathalie Vignes as La fliquette

What actors and actresses appeared in Rigadin et le chien de la baronne - 1912?

The cast of Rigadin et le chien de la baronne - 1912 includes: Albane Marcelle Praince Charles Prince as Rigadin

How do you say 'the small dog' in french?

Le petit chien - or if it is female - la petite chienne.

When do you use Le and La?

"Le" and "La" are used in French to indicate the gender of nouns. "Le" is used with masculine singular nouns and "La" is used with feminine singular nouns. For example, "Le chien" (the dog) uses "Le" because "chien" is masculine, while "La maison" (the house) uses "La" because "maison" is feminine.

What actors and actresses appeared in Le chien - 1962?

The cast of Le chien - 1962 includes: Mitsouko Alain Delon as Lui Albert Dinan as Le barman Marianne Kitaeff as La danseuse Louison Roblin Elke Sommer as Elle

What has the author Dominique Joubert written?

Dominique Joubert has written: 'Le chien de la Barbare'

What is la chien in English?

"La chien" in English is "the dog."

When was Archibald le Magi-chien created?

Archibald le Magi-chien was created in 1980.